Saturday, November 1, 2008

HAMMER to the HEAD!!!!

Here is our most recent event.
Cole was outside helping daddy build a chicken coop for our baby chicks (safe enough?). Well that got boring, soooo, he decided to throw his hammer at the barn to see if he could bust the roof? (BOYS???????) Well, what hits the barn roof will come back. Right back to Cole's beautiful head. Rezin starts screaming that Cole needs us. Cole is screaming and if you have ever seen him hurt you know that scream.
Wait, did I mention that daddy had come to the house to cut a piece of wood by the garage while his happened?
Anyway, Cole had blood coming down his face (Yikes!!) Dan gets out the hair buzzers and a razor. He cuts his hair @ the wound, shaves his head around the wound, and gets him cleaned up. Meanwhile, I am preparing to go to the ER. Do I take three kids to the ER?
Dan says, "Don't worry I can fix this!" If you've know us for long that is not the first or the last you've heard this. He butterflyed the bloody wound up and saved us a ton of money, frustration, funky ER illness, and much drama.
Here comes the kicker. At church the next day when asked did you learn your lesson? Cole's response is, "OH, YEAH I WILL NEVER THROW A HAMMER AT THE BARN AGAIN?
(Again? Again? Why would ever consider throwing a hammer the first time?)